Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Where I'm netting out

As I'd composed myself to accept a ding from Wharton

Wharton.. Wharton.. Wharton... I would have been great there !!

but not even making the first cut (interviews) has brought me to the realization that I was dramatically less competitive a candidate than I believed ... more motivation to improve..

But good news followed the Ding, an invitation to interview at ROSS... I'm excited, this is great news.. huh?

I could sport the maize and blue and grow in the hands on program,

Any interview advice and prep resources would be most welcome...


rungee582 said...

Congrats on the Ross interview and sorry about Wharton. Ross was a fairly easy interview... very straightforward, no weird questions (just Why MBA, Why Now, Why Ross, Tell me about your leadership / teamwork, What Clubs do you want to be involved in, etc.) Good luck!

asiangal said...

Sorry to hear about Wharton --- best of luck with the Ross interview (and the rest of the schools you're waiting to hear from). =)